Albright College 奥尔布赖特学院
Albright College 奥尔布赖特学院
Albright College是一所东岸名校学府,在这里同学可得到最好的引导,大部份同学都会以校内的GPA 去申报其它的著名大学,如Brown University、Harvard University、U Pennsylvania等。同学亦可在Albright College 继续去完成学位。
Albright College是一所学习气氛浓厚的国际化私立名校,学院教学严谨,被普林斯顿杂志评为「大西洋中部最好的学院」之一。根据美国新闻报告的大学排名,该校获美国最高的200名博雅大学Liberal Arts College。此校提供约200种不同的主修科目。Albright College能给与学生一种自由的学术环境,以探讨那些科目最适合学生的长处和利益,使学生能充分实现其潜力及理想。
环境 | 座落于人口约八万人的雷丁市,近多个东岸大城市,距离费城1小时车程。 |
学校类别 | 美国大学 |
学费 | US$34,000 – $35,000 |
住宿安排 | 学校宿舍 |
学校网址 | https://www.albright.edu/ |
州份 | Pennsylvania 宾夕凡尼亚州 |
邻近城市 | 费城 |
建校年份 | 1856 |
入学要求 | 香港中六 |
收生季度 | 秋季、春季 |
开授班级 | 学士、硕士、博士 |
学生人数 | 约2,300人 |
海外学生 | 4% |
师生比例 | 13:1 |
地图 |
这所学院能给香港同学一个难得的机会进入心仪的学府。在最近的十年间Albright College已获得很多香港学生认同为进入名校的桥梁。此校提供优秀的大学本科教育,很多香港学生在这里的首两年大学课程里。同学经教授们的悉心教导,很多都能考取到优异的成绩,从以转入他们响往的大学第三年继续他们的主修科,更可享受小型学院可提供到的愉快学习生活。以下是这数年间部份丽斯同学的转校记录,亦可参阅 Albright College 之转校记录 – http://www.litzusa.com/GBK/subject_detail.asp?category=2&NewsId=74
Universities transferred (3rd year)
CHU, W. S.
UniversityofMichigan – Ann Arbor
HO, C. W.
UniversityofSouthern California
Purdue University
LO, K. C.
UniversityofMinnesota, Twin Cities
LO, L. K.
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
SIU, Y. Y.
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Indiana University
SIU, Y. K.
UniversityofMichigan – Ann Arbor
Helen Cheung – 于圣士提反女子中学完成中七后进入Albright College。后转入著名的密芝根大学安娜堡分校University of Michigan – Ann Arbor主修传理科。
Dorothy Ma – 于嘉诺撒圣心书院完成中六后入读Albright
College,后转入Indiana University。
Leo Wong – 中五毕业于拔萃男书院,他说Albright College给他一个既轻松又良好的学习环境。两年后获著名的长春藤大学Cornell University商学院取录。在Albright College所修学分全被Cornell接纳。
Derek Wong – 毕业于沙田崇真中学,于Albright College完成两年大学课程后转入 U of Wisconsin – Madison修读Biochemistry。
Albright College提供以下本科课程:
请参阅 http://www.albright.edu/catalog/courses.html
校园里还有很多学会组织,包括话剧,戏剧,报社,电台(WXAC-FM )及合唱团等。
Albright College是一所私立文理学院 / Liberal Arts College,位处于历史文化丰富的宾夕法尼亚州(注1),校园景色优美占地110英亩,座落于人口约八万人的雷丁市,近多个东岸大城市,距离费城1小时车程,纽约2.5小时,首都华盛顿特区3小时,学生可以在这里多作旅游、从以了解多些东岸文化。
香港学生如果希望体验美国传统校园生活,Albright College会是一个十分理想的选择,因为学院是一所小型四年制私立学院Liberal Arts College(注2),国际学生与美国本地学生较易融合成一片。学术方面学校提供严格但富弹性的课程,教授十分关注学生的学习。Albright College被普林斯顿杂志 / Princeton Review评为“大西洋中部最好的学院”之一,也被美国新闻与世界报导 / U.S. News & World Report列为最佳liberal arts schools前二百名。
热门科系为企管、会计、教育、社会学及化学 (化学课程更荣获美国化学协会ACS认可) 此校具有小型私立学院的优点,包括严格但富弹性的课程,及友善的学习环境。此校教授对学生极为照顾。 学生们认为学校的最大优点是 -「能获得教授和各职员的细心教育及照顾,达到教学相长的境界」。
以下是一些从丽斯出发的学生心声 Message from Litz Student in Albright:
1. Life inAlbrightCollege- An American college likeAlbrightCollegeis not a usual place for boring school life. It is a college where community and relaxation exist, which can rarely be found in the world today. Students can easily manage to do well on their schoolwork yet they can have fun communicating with different students from other countries. There is no racial problem, and the local people are always willing to help and aid us, whether based on assignments or daily life issues.
When you enter Albright, you can have the feeling of being taken care by your parents, you can always be served by fine dormitories, well-prepared food and most importantly an excellent education. The door ofAlbrightCollegeis always opening for us.
Cheng, Tsun Hon (Matthew)
2. My name is Vincent. I went to study abroad at Albright College on Litz’s recommendation after finishing my Form Six study at Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College. Albright College is a small liberal art school which is located in Reading, Pennsylvania with around two thousand students. Since the size of every class is pretty small, the relationship between students and teachers is very good. Reading is a quiet, nice and small city located one and a half hour away from Philadelphia, the capital city of Pennsylvania. To me, Albright College is a nice place for one to concentrate on his studies because of the great study atmosphere among those students there.
In Albright College, the teachers are very friendly and always ready to give us a hand whenever we need help from them. To be honest, I think that the educational system in Albright College is much better than the one in Hong Kong. Being fed up with spoon-feedings, examination-oriented style of education, I found the urge to seek for a form of education that is more effective and more suitable to me; one that would not overload students blindly with a tremendous amount of knowledge such that much of it is left undigested and unabsorbed. To me, the best way to learn is to do it with self-motivation and extensive reading, which I believe is what education at Albright College is all about. In addition, I broadened my vision by living in the dormitory, where people of many different nationalities reside. It’s the acquaintance and interaction among people of different cultural backgrounds that allowed me to appreciate how life’s like in different parts of the world.
At Albright, I studied a variety of interesting subjects, such as psychology and philosophy. Besides, as a business major, I studied Accounting, Economics and Statistics as well. I plan to transfer after my sophomore year.
The year at Albright College provides me with extremely precious experience and fond memories. I have sharpened my determination, perseverance, independence and diligence. I am sure that those who are going to study in Albright will feel exactly as I do.
3. Before I went to the US, I thought many Americans were so arrogant that they would look down on the Chinese, and some may even discriminate us. But after I reached Albright College, I found everything was reversed from my imagination. I found Americans were actually much nicer than I thought. They were all very kind to us, always help voluntarily, and interested in different kind of food and cultures very much.
About academics, I thought it would be very tough for me to study in English totally, but actually not. With professors’ clear explanation, I was motivated to study much more than in Hong Kong.
Last winter, that was my first time to see snow. The scene was so lovely that all grasses, roofs, vehicles, roads were covered by bright white snows, with some squirrels eating nuts on it. Everything there made me enjoyed studying in Albright so much.
Lai Ying-Ping June, 2007
注1. Albright College 是文理学院 (Liberal Arts College)﹕
美国除了国立大学 (National Universities) 外,还有以大学本科教育(Undergraduate study)为主的文理科学院。这个类别下的学院共约有600所,绝大部份为私立学校。香港学生不太懂“College”和“University”这两个名词的分别。“College”除了两年制大学之外,也用来形容那些只提供四年制学士学位的大学。至于 ”University”的大学亦会提供硕士和博士学位课程。
注1. 宾夕法尼亚州Pennsylvania ﹕
学生住在这个州应当多了解它的?史文化背景,以便与当地人沟通。宾夕法尼亚州是美国初其立国13州之一。东北接纽约州,东界新泽西州,西南为西弗吉尼亚州。其间有特拉华河水道,是该州东南部出海的通路。人口约一千二百万(2006年)。首府为哈里斯堡 (Harrisburg)。
1600年前后,荷兰人、瑞典人及英国人都移民到此。初期瑞典人在特拉华河上建立殖民区,称为“新瑞典”。之后荷兰移民建立贸易点。1655年,荷兰人与瑞典人发生战争,荷兰获胜后统治了这个地区。后来英国以约克公爵的名义从荷兰人手中夺取了这块殖民地。1681年英王查理二世签署特许状,把这块地方送给舰队总司令小威廉‧佩恩 (William Penn),并指定以“宾 / Penn”的名字命名这一地区,同时应他的请求,加上“夕法尼亚 / Sylvania”(林地)一词,所以该州的含义为“宾的林地”。
该州以宗教自由和政治民主著称,在北美有很大影响。该州地处13州的正中(北部六州,南部六州),再加上在美国独立时的中坚作用,故有“拱顶石州 / Keystone State” 之称。1776年,13州代表在该州东部的费城,签署了《独立宣言》,宣告了一个新国家的诞生。华盛顿将军在此州率军纵横驰骋、抗击英军。南北战争期间,中部的葛底斯堡,是美国南北战争中最著名的战场遗址。在1863年7月1日到3日期间,南北双方进行了殊死的战斗,伤亡士兵多达5万人。战役后不到五个月,就建立了国家烈士公墓,在落成典礼上,林肯总统发表了广为传诵的简短演说,提出了“民有、民治、民享政府 / Government of the people, by the people, for the people” 的口号。
地形上此州可分为三部分,中部是南北山区,东南部为平原,西部是高原,东西有特拉华河与俄亥俄河流过。此州属大陆性气候,季节变化较大。1月平均气温-6℃,7月为20℃。全州有1/3面积为耕地,奶牛和家禽饲养业发达,还盛产水果和蔬菜。此州蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源。该州煤质优良,与大湖区水运而来的铁矿石结合,发展了规模庞大的钢铁工业。宾夕法尼亚州文化古老,大学众多。最早的大学是宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Pennsylvania State University, 建于1855年。宾夕法尼亚州旅游业非常发达。因为多山、多湖、多古迹。该州别名是“教友派之州 / The Quaker State”。座右铭是“道德、自由和独立 / Virtue, liberty and independence”。