英國學校班級與美國學校班級的比較 (UK vs USA school levels comparison)

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讀大學揀英國或美國?聽下一位名曾經在兩地都生活過的麗斯學生學生點講。(2021.09.01 於本中心)

「如果揀選英國,不如留返系香港,因為大家都是傳統教學 (不計移民因素)。而美國學術界崇尚自由,教育制度則充滿彈性。」



註:以上受訪同學現於南加州大學讀第四年,之前他曾在英國讀中學,完成GCE O level, 就轉到美國入讀社區學院,之後成功轉入 USC。



相對美國中學,英國中學課堂氣氛較為嚴肅,課程結構則較為傳统。美國中學課堂鼓勵學生的參與(Engagement) ;在資訊垂手可得互聯網時代,學生們會滿足於課室中接受單向的知識傳授嗎?



政府學校方面英國的政府學校(State School)必須遵循國家所訂下的課程,由小一(Year 1) 至高六(Upper 6s/Year12&13),被界定為6個Key Stages(關鍵階段),每階段要完成指定的課程。相反,美國的政府學校所教授的與英國相比時,體驗到了相當大的自由,每一個州份也有它的獨性。

一位美國中學生自拍了以下的短片, ”A Day In My Life: High School |我生命中的一天:高中”



“Omg I wish high school in England was that fun School is so strict in England .”

“OKEY! German Schools are sooo boring .”

“OMG schools in America are so way different compared with spanish ones! Like, your school is super fun and mine is… hell.”

“so jealouse of American schools im from germany and your schools are like freaking way better !”

“U have digital photo as a supplement?! And powerpuff and math(geometry)?! We don’t have such fun thing at my school. Well, we do have geometry, but we just call that math, bc we learn much more than just geometry. I would love to have digital photo.”

“… And pep rallies look interesting My school doesn’t have stuff like that Australian schools.”

在此順帶一提香港學生如希望體驗美國政府中學的學習生活,就讀中三至中五的學生可參加本中心為期一學年的美國文化交流生計劃 (費用祗需約十萬港元),本中心也有私立學校的文化交流計劃 (費用由十六萬港元起),請至電2391-9713查訊。

此外如家長們覺得子女不適應港式中學或不打算考DSE,但又負擔不起外國中學多年的總費用,這情況本中心有個既省時間又省錢的計劃 – 那就是直接入讀美國華盛頓州的社區學院,在這兩年多的時間裡修讀一個「副學士加中學雙文憑課程 | Dual Diploma Associate Degree and High School Completion Program」,每學年學費連生活費由港幣十八萬起,十分適合一般家庭,獲取副學士後,同學可申請多間大學的第三年(Junior Year) 修讀喜歡的主修科。


*SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests) in UK are national tests that children take twice during their primary school life. These standardized tests are also known as End of Key Stage Tests and Assessment.

1st SAT: at the end of Key Stage 1 (KS1) in Year 2, an informal and will be optional by 2023.

2nd SAT: at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2) in Year 6, SAT is (also known as National Curriculum Test*/全國統一考試)

*Independent schools in UK: also known as private schools or public (in the sense of open to public) schools refer to all fee-paying schools that operate entirely independently of Local Authority or government control.

The term ‘public school’ is typically used to refer to the most prestigious boys’ independent schools, including Eton College, Harrow School, Westminster School, Winchester School, The City of London School, Ampleforth Abbey and College and Charterhouse School etc..

On the other hand, the most prestigious USA boarding schools include Phillips Exeter Academy, Phillips Academy, 3 The Putney School, Church Farm School, Episcopal High School, St. Paul’s School, Asheville School and Shattuck-St. Mary’s School etc..

Independent schools in UK are free to set their own curriculum, school hours and term dates, and to choose which exam qualifications students take.

*Advanced Placement (AP) is a program in the United States managed by the College Board which offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. American colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the examinations.

大學預科(AP)由美國College Board(大學理事)會管理,為高中學生提供大學水平的課程和考試。 美國的大學可以為在考試中獲得高分的學生提供相关課程學分(即豁免修讀相关大學課程)。